Everybody who loves fashion magazines and has the slightest talent in fashion editing really runs the risk of being born with Anna Wintour as a role model. Who knows if this might be called a good, value-for-the-effort risk or an evil, self-destructive and self-captivating risk? But when you see her receiving just recently the French Legion of Honor medal from French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace and a similar Honor in Great Britain 3 years before, then you easily fall into the temptation of following her relentless, hard-working route once again, in order to achieve Success, Happiness or preferably both. Fashion is something superficial but according to her paradigm can lead you into great depths searching a lot more about vanity, power, effort and reward of the effort. Some people diminish Anna into a terrible fashion industry beast while others recognize her loyalty towards truly fashion forward experiences and towards change and progress, whatever that means for each one of them. She’s inspiring for those who try to catch her while she strides over and repelling to those who don’t even think to grasp her high vibes and analyze her haughty gaze. The interesting part is that in times of crisis there are still people who can dream the world through her dark sunglasses and can smile enigmatically with the confidence of a woman who can make, at least the world of fashion, turn upside down!
Through Anna’s Dark Lenses