A high ratio of men at the Beefeater Tea Party! Looking for stylish women! Where are they? I liked the white bar that looked like an ice bar but was not made of ice! Bartenders wore black hats with red feathers! My cocktail with tea, gin, tonic and grapefruit tasted really good and it’s light! I came around 7.30 and it was almost empty! Ten minutes later more guests arrived but no celebrities among them! There was just a woman dressed in a costume and strolling around! I thought that the dj set was confusing. It was sort of jazz, so slow that you could not breathe! Boring… I think it was half marketing failure and half inability of the guests to approach the hotel due to public transportation strikes. Tea was used in the distillation process, as Beefeater’s master distiller revealed! What is Beefeater 24? They leave it 24 hours developing the flavors of tea and other herbs before distilled! Noni Dounia was there! She is an ex-top model! I loved the cupcakes from the buffet! There was also a live jazz band! It was a modern English tea party during which they told us about the new cool way to drink gin & tonic cocktails: in a small glass tea cup!
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The Cool Version of a Tea Party!