Name-evident but not proven in practice, “Typhoon” collection by Paris Valtadoros had to do with turbulence, intensity and passion. I wasn’t lost in some kind of colorful whirlpool but drown in unreasonably shiny fabrics, despite the fact that I could easily float into a pool of very interesting ideas. I felt that design was adorable but unfairly downgraded by the materials. The problem here is that the designer had invested in luxury fabrics that looked rather “old” and turned innovative styles into costume-like. His aim was to create extraordinary volumes and present an amazing interplay among them, but he had to do more research so as to achieve it in a more avant-garde, exciting way. Inspired by post-impressionists and Byzantine architecture, he had a real visual treasure to delve in. He just needed an edgy approach and a contemporary know-how. He also had to look around for new sources of high-tech materials. What was undoubtedly delicious was his “melting chocolate” dresses. I think they were made of excellent quality leather, but it could easily be something else, tempting to gulp. Nevertheless, he had a rich range of reds, blues and greens, confining black and white into a supportive role, a move which was smart and daring. Cool highlight: The slightly raised hemlines eliminated the possibility of heels being entangled in the fury of fabric typhoons.
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Paris Valtadoros: Lost in his Typhoon