Let me share with you my top secret for long-lasting, smooth and perfect hair color! No matter how difficult my hair shade is, at NewMode hair salon I can really achieve it. Every time the result is equally amazing. There are no surprises to scare me, nothing to make me feel anxious or disappointed. Nikos Mouchtaroglou is my color “chef,” an always well-informed, technically outstanding and ever-talented hair-colorist who made me fall in love with my hair! Ever since he touched my hair, I receive the nicest comments for my hair color and overall quality, even when walking in the streets. His creative team consists of carefully selected hair experts, ready to offer advice and transform you into a woman with perfect hair and confidence! Give it a try and visit this salon. It’s unexpectedly good!
NewMode Hair Creations by Nikos Mouchtaroglou: 4 Aristofanous St., Chalandri, Athens, tel. +30 210 6837978
My Unique Color!

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