Hey! There is a couple out there who is tech-obsessed. Kutchers’ new mania is called “Pursemonkey” – a mini size stuffed animal that currently resides in Demi Moore’s purse and reveals itself only when its time for photo shooting with celebrities and fashionable crowd. Demi and Ashton have enough time and energy so as to concern themselves with trending this sweet “creature” on Twitter. Mrs Kutcher tweets about their “family trip” from party place to another such place, continuously. She and her beau are also obsessed with many new iphone and mobile phone applications, such as that one called GroupMe – a private chatroom that works for you and your friends on any phone. You can group your friends and talk to them all the time sending multiple messages to them with one move. The app’s mascot is an even stranger hash-eyed creature which probably “encourages” cool communication for all techies. According to their tweets, Ashton, Demi Moore and Pursemonkey actually met with members of the “GroupMe” team at South By Southwest two days before. As she courageously admits “they are just monkeying around! I am sorry but I can’t get the true essence. Does the whole thing happen as some kind of charity? If you know, let me know as well…
Demi and Ashton Monkeying Around!